NGC 6302
The Butterfly Nebula
This planetary nebula is approximately 4,000 light years distant in the constellation of Scorpius. It is unique for it's easily identifiable shape, it's complex structure, and a core star that's one of the hottest known. It was first discovered in 1888.
IC 1805
The Heart Nebula
This emission nebula lies 7,500 LY away in the constellation Cassiopeia. The cluster of blue stars at the heart's center are known as Melotte 15, and are only 1,500,000 years old. These massive young stars provide the stellar winds and radiation that sculpt the nebula into it's unique shape.
IC 2118
The Witch Head Nebula and Rigel
This reflection nebula gets it's name because it resembles the profile of an ugly old witch. The Witch Head Nebula lies 900 LY away in the constellation of Eridanus, while Rigel is 800 LY away in the constellation of Orion. Rigel is the sixth brightest star in the night sky. Its radiation is so powerful (40,000 times brighter than our Sun) that it illuminates the Witch Head from across the great distance that seperates the two. IC 2118 shines in a blue color not only because Rigel's light is blue, but also because the dust particles that comprise the nebula reflect blue light more efficiently than other colors. That same process is why our sky is blue. This image should actually be rotated around so that the witch is to the right and upsidedown, to match how it really looks in the sky.