Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Clean Dishes Inspire Dirty Limerick

The other day my wife and I were washing dishes when she accidentally splashed some soap suds on me and said something like "Oops I got bubbles on you". Upon hearing the word 'bubbles' this limerick started rolling off my tongue without thinking about it:

There once was a stripper named Bubbles,
Whose very large breasts did give her troubles.
44 double E,
They had to be.
And though she played tennis alone,
She still played doubles.

My wife couldn't believe I just made that up on the spot, but I did. What does she think I am? Some pervert that just sits around thinking up dirty rhymes? . . . . . Well, I did just make it up on the spot. I swear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ihave lived with you for 29 years. I knowhow that mind works.