Saturday, February 5, 2011

3rd World on the 3rd Rock

Just when you think you've seen it all, leave the US and go anywhere. Traveling to other countries, even "civilized" ones like in Europe, will make you Thank God you're an American and give you a whole new appreciation for our way of life. This couldn't be more true of the third world. Lets take a tour.

3rd World Frank Perdue. Go ahead, Eat Mor Chikn.

3rd World Mr Goodwrench. If his total disregard of OSHA regs doesn't get himself killed, his shoddy work will probably get you.

3rd World Amtrak. They'll get you to where you need to go, as long as you hang on, or the engineer doesn't wreck because he can't see.

3rd World Hilton Hotel. Satellite TV in every room! But just a mattress to sleep on, no running water, and one toilet for every 20 guests. Enjoy your stay.

3rd World Cableguy. Actually, it's Uncle Icki. He does all the family cable work. Don't worry. He'll have the riot at the soccer game back on in just a minute, if he isn't electrocuted first.

3rd World School Bus. Bet you don't worry about putting your kid on the bus anymore.

And you see this kind of crazy, Are-You-Kidding-Me, WTF! kind of stuff all the time. The best thing that I can say is to quote Winston Zeddmore from Ghostbusters, "I have seen shit that would turn you White!"

America. Love it or Leave it.

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