Monday, April 23, 2012

Websites You Might Have Missed

Skyscraper Center
 All the World's tallest building

NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day
Cool pics and links to alot of stuff

USGS Earthquake Center
Everything you want to know about every earthquake

Population Clocks for the US and the World
Population counts righhhhht . . . NOW!

AFI's Lists of Best Movies, Actors, Quotes, etc
Makes you want to run to WalMart and dive into the $5 movie bin

Dallas Cowboys Official Site
Everything you want to know about America's Team. You're just afraid to admit you're a fan.

Urban Dictionary
You gotta step up if you wanna be down

Stars and Stripes
The newspaper every American serviceman reads

American Fact Finder
Everything you could demographically want to know about Americans

2017 Solar Eclipse
Once in a lifetime event. Start getting ready now.

National Hurricane Center
Like the Earthquake center but for hurricanes

Hubble Telescope
View the wonders of the Universe and travel back in time

WTF Tube
YouTube's bizarro cousin

Everything you want to know about every movie, tv show, or actor

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