Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What the heck . . .

. . . is going on in these pictures?

Too Damn Hot To Be Outside

I'd like to be outside doing something on my day off, but it's 94 degrees and just too damn hot, so I'll blog instead. Enjoy the results of my misery.

"Bill, for the last time, get your damn hand off my thigh!"

"C'mon Liz, nobody's looking. Spread 'em."

EWWWW! Plumbers crack on a girl is SO gross.

Who am I bullshittin?! That is SO effing hot!

Ted, you're overcompensating again. You really don't need something that big just to plant tomatoes.

Hold it cowboy! I saw 'Brokeback Mountain' and want you to know this steer aint queer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Good Help Is Hard to Find

In a galaxy far, far away . . .

Luke Skywalker and his co-pilot are about to make their run on the Death Star.

LUKE: Rex, divert power to the rear deflectors and prep the proton torpedoes for point blank firing.

REX: (Silence)

LUKE: Rex, did you hear me? Power up the rear deflectors and prep the torpedoes.

REX: (More silence)

LUKE: Rex, what's going on? The entire rebellion is depending on us! Rex!?

LUKE: I knew I should have brought R2.

The moral of the story: "A best friend is not always a reliable wingman."

I Love the Weather Channel